
Releasing OS-specific GraalVM native image binaries easier with JReleaser

Packaging and releasing Java applications (e.g. CLI) tend to be cumbersome, and the user-experience tended not to be the best as users have to download a valid version of JRE, etc.
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til java graalvm dev

Changing void returning type in Java methods breaks binary compatibility

While proposing changes to Kafka Streams DSL, I propose changing the return type of one method from void to KStream<KOut, VOut. I was under the (wrong) impression that this change wouldn’t affect users. I was also not considering that applications might just drop a new library without recompiling their application.
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til java compatibility dev

reload4j as drop-in replacement for log4j 1.x

TIL there is a drop-in replacement for log4j 1.x: Reload4j.
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til java logging ops